Chick Peas (Bengal Gram)

Chick Peas, also known as Bengal Gram, are a staple ingredient in various cuisines worldwide. Known for their nutty taste and buttery texture, they are a rich source of protein and dietary fiber.

Nutrients Details
Calories 364 calories / 100 grams
Carbohydrates 60 g / 100 grams
Fiber 17 g / 100 grams
Protein 19 g
Fat 0.1 g
Vitamins Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6
Minerals Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid

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    Variety Release Date Plant Type / Features Average Yield
    UPAS-120 1970s Medium tall, semi-spreading, small light brown seeds ~2.0 t/ha
    Pant A3 1980s Dwarf, semi-erect, 3-4 seeds per pod ~2.0 t/ha
    ICPL 87 (Pragati) 1986 Wilt-tolerant, short duration, suitable for multiple harvests ~2.5 t/ha
    Pusa Ageti 1980s Dwarf compact, bold seeded, 4-5 seeds per pod ~2.5 t/ha
    Pusa 84 1980 Medium tall, semi-spreading, brown seeded ~2.0 t/ha
    HY 3A 1980s Erect tall, bold white seeds, green stem ~1.6-2.0 t/ha
    Gwalior 3 1990s Tall, bushy, medium light brown grains ~1.8-2.0 t/ha
    Laxmi 1990s Semi-spreading, perennial, wilt-tolerant ~2.0 t/ha
    BDN 1 1980s Resistant to wilt and sterility mosaic, suited for low rainfall areas ~2.0 t/ha